Outdoor art in the streets of Taos

Once a year for two nights in early autumn the streets of downtown Taos are filled with incredible art and performance.

As the afternoon becomes evening and then night, projection installations, interactive exhibits, and staged acts come to life, sprinkled along the streets of Taos for all to explore.

The PASEO has become a staple annual event locally that features dozens of world renowned artists and performers and draws thousands to the historic district of Town.

It’s a free outdoor art festival dedicated to bringing the art of installation, performance and projection to the Taos community.

But it is also so much more.

For more about Taos PASEO check out https://paseoproject.org/

If you are an artist and your art is featured: first and foremost thank you for your art; if you want any pics please use them, let me know and I can send better files without watermark as well. -AG